Coming off a rather disappointing weekend. That disappointing weekend being my first art show. I don't think I'll count this one as an actual show, but rather a huge learning experience. Let me share what I learned.
1) Do your research
One of the first things I noticed was how I didn't do my research and ultimately paid the price for it. At this particular show there were lots of vendors. I'm talking Scentsy, Thirty 1, Pampered Chef, etc. So obviously much different from what I'm about; fine art. When you're looking to do a show, make sure you are fully aware of who else is going to be there. I will never be a part of a show where vendors are involved. Has the show been advertised well? Have you heard talk about it around town? If not, you probably shouldn't waste your time.
2) Be prepared and organized
I once was organized, what happened to that girl? The next go around I'll be much more organized with how I do things. Keeping an inventory sheet, plan ahead for display purposes and put a little more thought into the overall booth design.
3) Not everyone will love your art. Deal with it.
Just because you are passionate about an idea, doesn't mean everyone else will be. Sometimes that's the biggest pill to swallow. That being said though, you shouldn't dwell on that. Don't ever sell yourself short or settle for anything less than what you deserve just to get ahead. When you do something you love sometimes that comes with hardships, but we all have to start somewhere. If you focus on trying to sell your artwork to everyone, you won't end up selling anything. Be passionate first, profitable later.
4) Don't forget your artwork
I'm hoping this will actually be funny in the next couple days....